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ĸelvιn тan©



Published by ĸelvιn тan© under on 4:30 AM
After some time living here in my area
I get to used with the situation
But today something seems to go wrong
MPSJ or whatever thing came to patrol my area today
And they caught us petting without license
And gave us a yellow paper or is it a saman?
And then i told mummy about this thing
 Told her to get the form to apply the license
Then i take this opportunity to control the dog by putting on the mask on its mouth
But when she saw it, she run and run 
I hold on her tight but she insist to fight back
I guess i just have to leave you like that 
Every dog hate wearing mouth mask
 Then mummy returned home and i start reading the terms and condition
It seems that we have to build a house for the dog
And the cost is not cheap, kay?
Due to some problem right now 
Its really hard
Then told mummy to bring the dog go and train 
Because when she bark, its really noisy
Look through The Star newspaper and found
The cost is okay only la
No expensive not cheap
Meanwhile, we still need to ask our neighbour's permission 
And i went to the next door with my mom
A management office
Luckly that ladies is kind enough and fill in the form for us
Well, now we have to ask the other next door 
Eating vegetable this few days because 3rd aunt is a vegetarian
So she cook vegetable everyday
Good thing is my body would be able to digest the waste properly
And become healthy Kelvin
Urm urm urm
Vegetable vegetable vegetable @@"
Kelvin kelvin kelvin =D