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ĸelvιn тan©


Published by ĸelvιn тan© under on 8:44 PM
This year its my first time visiting the merak pasar pagi
I thought i could buy something to eat
But after i saw a teenagers, just like our age, maybe
Begging on the street with cut off leg and hand, just left leg and left palm
The reaction she shew make me felt that she wanna escape but couldnt
My heart was like, DAMN! Who the hell did this to someone who is only a teenager
[My teacher once told me, that there is a group of people, they catch teenager and cut off their body part and throw them at the street to beg for money]
She is just a teenager, why would someone dare to do anything because of money?
Is money important than someone's life
If it is, we shouldnt take someone's life, its not ours
We dont have the right
DAMN, i just couldnt control myself
I just hate those guy who dont have sympathy and compassion, who willing to sacrifice someone else because of money
Are the police playing their role to keep the country safe?
Please make fair judgement to those innocent ppl
Sentence those SUCKA to DEAD!

Dont wannna waste my time angry because of some useless brat

This saturday my church is having an activity to cook for Mother as to celebrate Mother's Day but this saturday is also Kher Li's Birthday.
Another problem that needed to solve.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..
Well, not to disappoint both side, i will go to both place
But its just a moment
Please dont angry
I'm very sorry
This is all i could do
Or i might come out with some perfect idea
Who knows? =P
