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ĸelvιn тan©


Holiday plan.

Published by ĸelvιn тan© under on 4:40 AM

It's a week holiday and since i have nothing to do.
Jowie invite us to V-Station.
Somewhere located at SS2, Petaling Jaya.
I think this is my first time going SS2?
V-Station is actually a station or cafe that we enjoy.
But this one is kinda different a bit because they have PS 3, Nintendo Wii, Rockband and Racing mode to play.
There are 9 PS3.
The price is also not so nice.
I spend like around 45 bucks on it.
The surroundings is quite comfortable.
And those who are interested in forming a group of band.
You might need to try Rockband, its like a set which contain drum set, guitar and a mic.

Rockband set

Drum set.

After playing almost 2 hour with this Rockband instead,
we change to PS 3 normal mode and PS3 racing mode.

This are the racing mode.
Guess how much is the price for this gear including PS3 and the LCD?
Around 5 - 7k. ''Money is so easy to earn''

Spot Jowie and Robert playing racing mode?

While waiting for turns, me and Nicholas play PS3 normal mode.

Actually we spend almost half day in it playing this thing but
Robert has to rush home because he got a group project so
we left for Cyber Cafe.
That cyber cafe wasnt so good after all. And then we realised that there is a
better cyber cafe around the area. Kinda regret for going this cheap cafe.
Totally irritated with it.
Cyber cafe with no water supply. Great!
Well, i reached home around 10 something.

Kelvin Tan.