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ĸelvιn тan©


#3 Appreciate things you have

Published by ĸelvιn тan© under on 10:55 PM

I bought a casing and an anti glare for my iTouch. 
So, it's a complete transformation!

As you can see, there is biology books.
I have to study Biology and I found it very difficult.
I was in library and I'd been going to library so much recently.
And I found it so peaceful and quiet. I will visit it more often.

I will name it my second house because I fell asleep when I was studying Biology. 

I lost my thumb drive and I realize that I have to learn to appreciate every single
things that I have before it's too late.
Ever since I lost my thumb drive, I learned a great lesson that I believe I 
will remember in my entire life. 
The lesson is to appreciate.

ĸelvιn тan©