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ĸelvιn тan©


Youth Conference (Fraser Hill)

Published by ĸelvιn тan© under on 5:17 AM

After waiting for so long, at last the time came and its time for us to go CAMP!
This time is much more different than before
Because the Singaporean are joining with us 
Around 100 over Singaporean joining with us 
And the total of Youth in this camp is 175 
It is held in the Fraser Hill, Pahang
And its 4 day and 3 night
Well, to jungle trek in the Fraser Hill
I urge you to get some advise first
Because most of the trekker got lost when they go jungle trekking
And the spirit of the lost trekker were there haunting us
One of a rumour that i heard 

Day 1
Woke up at 6am 
Arrived at PJ 1 Chapel 6.59am ( suppose to arrive before 7.00am)
Got on the bus to continue our journey to Fraser Hill
But along the wall, we have to do some service project
We went to the Orang Asli village to spread some book about family to them
To tell them how much important a family is 
And always to spend time with your family at least once a week
Done our services and continued our journey to Fraser Hill
We arrived around 1 - 2pm if i am not mistaken
We registered it and got our key
Bad news that i have to sleep alone because my bunk mate, JJ , did not come
So i went all up to my room myself
It was so spooky when i entered my room 
Until i cannot stand it
I locked the door and took my bag and requested to change to my friend's room
And then, the Singaporean arrived
We get to know each other throughout our own group 
So, night arrived and its time to sleep
But not long after sleeping
We are woke up at 3am because of the mosquito bitting us non stop
Talking about mosquito with bunk mate in the living room and then we all got tired and slept

Orang Asli village

Along the way to Fraser Hill, we pass through the Kota Bharu Baru Dam
If i am not mistaken 

It's a very huge lake 

The resort we are staying is called The Pines Resort 

Dont get wrong
There are two church on that day and we are from LDS Church

Only LDS Youth Conference Member

Busy registering

Got the key and head to my room, F46

Living room

Master bedroom

The view outside the balcony

After changing apartment, my new apartment, living room

My bunk mate

View outside the balcony

( Will update for the Day 2 ASAP)

To be continue ..