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ĸelvιn тan©


Kuala Selangor

Published by ĸelvιn тan© under on 4:47 AM

Time to go back to my hometown to visit my grandpa and grandma
Yea, the purpose is that we celebrate father and mother day's together 
So, it all begin with a journey 
A long long journey
Along the journey
I cant even sleep at all 
Was too energetic 
Looking outside the car 
Looking at the environment
The environment really getting worse and worse
And the habitat of the fireflies were also destroyed by those idiot who log the tree
And Kuala Selangor reputation being famous with its fireflies were also affected
Ok, back to the topic
So, we have our seafood dinner there
Finished our dinner and its time to rush back home
To prepare my clothes for the Youth Conference Camp
Btw, i spotted some fish in the aquarium located inside the seafood restaurant
Some rare fish =)

I don't know what kind of species is this

Its a clown fish and its named as Nemo in the Finding Nemo Series
